PM Modi MP-CG Visit Live: Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Bina in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh on Thursday. Here he gifted projects worth more than Rs 50 thousand crores to the public. Addressing the public meeting, the PM thanked the people of the state for playing a role in the successful organization of G20. He also fiercely attacked the opposition. The PM said that the Indian alliance of the opposition, which is also called the arrogant alliance, wants to destroy Sanatan Dharma. Wants to attack Sanatan Dharma. Also asked people to check the track record of their guarantee. At last he sought blessings from the public for the service. PM has left for Bhopal. From here he will go to Chhattisgarh. Where he will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of many projects. PM can reach Chhattisgarh by 3 pm.

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5.35 PM: Attacking the INDI Alliance, Prime Minister Modi said that these people have become so blinded by the greed for power that they want to break the culture which has kept India united for thousands of years.

5.30 PM: PM Modi said- The agenda of INDI alliance is going to destroy the ideas and values ​​that unite India. These people have decided that they will destroy the eternal culture of India.

5.22 PM: The Prime Minister said- Congress people say that the opportunity has come after many years and it is not going to come again after this. This is your chance to loot as much as you can. The track record of BJP and Congress is in front of you.

5.22 PM: PM Modi said- Chhattisgarh government is using the state’s mineral wealth as Congress’s ATM. False propaganda has become the identity of Chhattisgarh Congress.

5.20 PM: PM Modi said- Those people whom AAP has kept out of the central government for the last nine years. They have created an indie conglomerate. Those people have made up their mind to break the culture of India.

5.18 PM: PM Modi said- Congress does politics of scams. Such politics only fills the coffers of Congress leaders. The Congress government of Chhattisgarh is also continuously moving ahead in corruption. Can you imagine what would be the mentality of someone if he indulges in corruption even in cow dung?

5.10 PM: While addressing the Vijay Shankhnaad rally, PM Modi said- Rampant corruption has become the identity of Chhattisgarh government. Congress used to talk about poverty alleviation even during Indira ji’s time and even today it contests elections in the name of poverty alleviation.

5.00 PM: PM Modi is doing a road-show in Raigarh.

4.50 PM: PM Modi said- At present, big institutions of the world are talking about learning from India’s success. The importance of Chhattisgarh for us is like a power house in the development of the country. The country will get the energy to move forward only when its power houses work at full strength. Keeping this in mind, our government has continuously worked for the development of Chhattisgarh.

4.45 PM: PM Modi said that many new projects have been launched today to increase the power of Chhattisgarh in energy production and to improve the health sector. You saw that just a few days ago, during the G-20 conference, heads of state of big countries had come to Delhi. All of them have been influenced by India’s development and poor welfare efforts.

4.40 PM: While addressing a program in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, PM Modi said- Today Chhattisgarh is getting the gift of railway projects worth more than Rs 6400 crore. PM Modi also informed that sickle cell counseling cards have also been distributed in Raigarh today. Today, the whole world is watching the Indian model of rapid pace of modern development as well as rapid progress in poor welfare. It is being appreciated all over the world.

1.08 PM: PM Modi has left for Bhopal from Bina.

12.49 PM: Madhya Pradesh has a role in making India top-3. This is going to create new opportunities for the youth here. I thank you for coming in such large numbers to celebrate this festival of development.

12.42 PM: Your servant Modi is fulfilling every guarantee. On the occasion of this Rakshabandhan, we further reduced the price of gas cylinder. Now the sisters are getting the cylinder cheaper by Rs 400. Now 75 lakh more sisters in the country will be given free gas connections. We are working sincerely to fulfill each of our guarantees. We eliminated the middlemen.

12.40 PM: Our government gave free ration to the poor during Covid. Our effort was that no poor, Dalit, backward, tribal mother should have to sleep with her stomach tied. That mother should not be tormented by the fact that her child is hungry. That’s why this poor son worried about the problems of his poor mother. With your support, I am still fulfilling this responsibility. My endeavor is that Madhya Pradesh should touch the heights of heights. The track record of Modi’s guarantee is in front of you.

12.37 PM: Today these people have started speaking openly. Have started attacking openly. Every Sanatani in every corner of the country and those who love the soil of the country need to be alert. They want to push the country into slavery. But together we have to stop such forces. With the power of our unity and organization, we have to foil their plans. BJP is dedicated to the service of patriotism. BJP is a sensitive government.

12.32 PM: India Alliance’s intention is to destroy the ideas that have united India for so many years. Sanatan through which Ahilyabai Holkar uplifted women. This India Alliance wants to end it. The Sanatan tradition which Gandhiji believed in throughout his life, his last words being Hey Ram, the people of this India alliance want to end that Sanatan tradition. They want to destroy Sanatan.

12.30 PM: The foreign guests who came to G20 say that such an event had never happened. The new image of Madhya Pradesh has emerged all over the world. I will praise Shivraj ji and his team for successfully organizing G20. Today’s India is emerging as a world friend. There are some parties which are trying to divide the country and society. Together they formed the India Alliance, which some people also call an arrogant alliance.

12.27 PM: The word G20 is echoing with confidence on the tongues of children in every village. You all saw how India successfully organized this summit. You tell me whether the success of G20 made you proud or not, whether your head held high with pride or not. The credit for this successful G20 goes to all of you. This is not done by Modi, this is the power of 140 crore people.

12.23 PM: Congress had made this Bundelkhand yearn for facilities like roads, water and electricity. Today, under the BJP government, roads and electricity are reaching every village. Today big investors want to come to Madhya Pradesh. Want to set up new factories here.

12.20 PM: There was a time when Madhya Pradesh was recognized as one of the poorest states in the country. Those who ruled here after independence gave nothing to MP except corruption. That was the time when criminals were dominant in MP.

12.17 PM: The petrochemical project to be built in Bina will develop the entire area. I am here to guarantee you this. This will provide thousands of employment opportunities to my youth.

12.14 PM: Our resolutions for Madhya Pradesh are very big. These projects are going to fulfill the dreams of poor and middle class families. This will provide employment to the youth.

12.10 PM: PM Modi started his address with Bharat Mata Ki Jai. Bundelkhand is the land of heroes and bravehearts. I have the privilege of seeing you for the second time.

12.08 PM: Congress always kept Bundelkhand dry, but now the Ken-Betwa Link Project has been approved, this scheme will irrigate 20 lakh hectare area of ​​Bundelkhand.

12.05 PM: Congress left no stone unturned to destroy and destroy Madhya Pradesh. He was a curse for Madhya Pradesh, but the Prime Minister has come as a boon.

12.03 PM: Everyone lives for themselves, only those who live for the country and the people live. Every moment of PM Modi is dedicated to the public. May he remain healthy and continue leading the country and the world.

12.00 PM: PM Modi had sent 2 lakh houses, Kamal Nath returned them. PM Modi started Kisan Samman Yojana, but the Congress government did not send the names.

11.58 AM: Our Ken-Betwa project has been approved. There will be arrangements for irrigation. PM Modi has come as a boon to the state.

11.53 AM: India is being praised all over the world because of PM Modi. The land of Bundelkhand, which was kept backward by Congress, today an investment of Rs 50 thousand crores is being made here, the fate and picture of this region is going to change. The gift of petrochemical complex will create new employment opportunities in Bina and surrounding areas.

11.50 AM: CM Shivraj started his address with Bharat Mata Ki Jai. He said that the voice should go from Bina to Delhi.

11.48 AM: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan welcomed PM Narendra Modi on the stage and presented him the Shanti Stupa as a memento.

11.43 AM: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reached the stage. He will soon gift projects worth crores to the state.

11.40 AM: The people of the state are very excited to see the PM in Bina. The PM is also accepting greetings riding in an open jeep. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan is also present with him.

– PM Modi has reached Bina. He will lay the foundation stone of Bina Refinery Plant here. This plant will be ready in five years. This will provide employment to thousands of people.
– The Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone of many industrial development projects costing more than ₹ 50 thousand crore in the state by performing the bhoomi pujan of ‘Petrochemical Complex at Bina Refinery’.
– Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reached Madhya Pradesh.
Assembly elections are to be held in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh later this year. BJP faces the challenge of saving its government in Madhya Pradesh. At the same time, in Chhattisgarh, its effort will be to remove Congress from power and form its own government again.
– PM Modi will stay at Bina Refinery for an hour. During this time he will also talk to people.
It is believed that during the tour, the PM can make big promises to the tribals and farmers.
– PM will lay the foundation stone of power and renewable energy manufacturing zone in MP’s Narmadapuram and mega industrial park in Ratlam. Apart from this, he will lay the foundation stone of two IT parks in Indore and six new industrial parks across the state.
– Modi will lay the foundation stone of petrochemical complex and various other projects in Bina Refinery of Sagar district.