Kim Jong Un And Vladimir Putin : North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has now invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to his country during their talks, Pyongyang’s state media KCNA (Korean Central News Agency) reported that Putin has accepted the invitation. Putin accepted the invitation with pleasure and confirmed his desire to carry forward the history and tradition of Russia-DPRK friendship, state media said, quoting news agency Reuters.

Expressed resolve to provide full and unconditional support to Putin

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Wednesday pledged to provide full and unconditional support to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two leaders held a summit that the US warned could lead to a deal to supply ammunition to Moscow’s war in Ukraine. This meeting between the leaders of Russia and North Korea took place in a remote Siberian rocket launch center and lasted for about four hours. This meeting between these two leaders, who were isolated by the Western countries, underlines how the interests of both are in the same direction.

Need for stock of ammunition and rockets

It is believed that Putin needs the stockpile of old ammunition and rockets for Soviet-era weapons, which North Korea has in abundance. Such a request would mark a reversal of roles from the 1950-53 Korean War, when Moscow provided arms to support Pyongyang’s invasion of South Korea. The decision to meet at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, the most important launch center on Russian soil, indicates that Kim wants Russia’s help in developing military reconnaissance satellites, which he said could increase the threat of his missile capable of delivering a nuclear attack. Said to be important. In recent months, North Korea has repeatedly failed to put its first military spy satellite into orbit.

Kim arrived at the launch center in his limousine car, which he had brought from Pyongyang in a special armored train. During this, Putin welcomed him and shook hands. Both the leaders shook hands for about 40 seconds. Putin talked about the Soviet Union’s wartime support for North Korea and said the talks would cover economic cooperation, humanitarian issues and “the situation in the region.” At the same time, Kim indirectly hinted towards the war in Ukraine and expressed his commitment of continuous support for Moscow.

He said, “Russia is currently engaged in a just struggle against hegemonic forces to protect its sovereign rights, security and interests.” The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has always expressed its full and unconditional support for all steps taken by the Russian Government and I take this opportunity to reiterate that we will always stand with Russia on the anti-imperialist front and the front of freedom Analysts say North Korea may have millions of old artillery shells and rockets based on Soviet designs that could give Russian forces a huge advantage in Ukraine.

The US has accused North Korea of ​​providing arms to Russia, including selling artillery shells to the Russian group Wagner. Both Russian and North Korean officials have denied such claims. However, buying arms from North Korea or providing it with rocket technology would violate international sanctions that Russia has supported in the past. According to Russian state media, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Kim and Putin first met with their delegations and later met each other. After the talks, Russian President Putin hosted an official lunch for Kim, according to the spokesman.