Agriculture Tips: Ayurveda is the oldest medical system in the world and medicinal plants are used in it. Ayurveda products of many renowned companies of the country are famous all over the world and their demand remains throughout the year. In this post of Tractor Junction, farmers are being given information about 5 important medicinal plants. Farmers can cultivate them based on the climate, weather and land of their area. In many states, subsidy and grants are also given by the government.

If you want to cultivate medicinal crops instead of paddy in the Kharif season, then these 5 crops can be the best option. These crops are used in the manufacture of Ayurvedic medicines. That is why they are sold at very high prices in the market. Due to which farmers will benefit more.

Cultivation of Lemon Grass

You can earn good profits by cultivating lemon grass. It is also used in the manufacture of many medicines. That is why it is called a medicinal plant. It can be easily grown even in areas with less water and barren land. The best time for its cultivation is from July to February. It can be harvested 6 to 7 times after planting it once. The first harvest is done at an interval of 90 to 150 days after planting it. While harvesting, farmers should keep in mind that it should be harvested from 5 to 8 inches above the ground. Oil is extracted from its leaves which is sold in the markets at the rate of Rs 1000 to Rs 2500 per liter. Farmers can earn up to 1.5 to 2 lakh rupees annually by cultivating it.

Cultivation of Mentha

Farmers can earn good profits by cultivating mentha. Because mentha crop is more profitable than other crops. The oil extracted from it is in great demand in the country and abroad. Due to which its oil is sold for 2 thousand to 3 thousand rupees. The most suitable time to cultivate mentha is from February to March. After transplanting in this month, this crop is ready at an interval of 100 to 120 days. One of its specialties is that it can be harvested twice. It is transplanted after harvesting the Rabi crop. Farmers can earn good profits by cultivating mentha crop.

Drumstick cultivation

Drumstick is called drumstick in English and its botanical name is Moringa. Farmers can earn good profits by cultivating this crop. Because it is used in the manufacture of many medicines along with vegetables. Its leaves, bark, fruits, roots are all very useful for us. Oil is also extracted from its seeds. For its cultivation, first of all the seeds are sown in small pits. After that, the plant is ready in a month, then it is planted in the already prepared pits. The most suitable time for its transplantation is considered to be from June to September. 500 to 700 grams of seeds are required to cultivate Drumstick in one hectare. Due to its use in the manufacture of food as well as medicines, it is sold at very high prices in the markets. One can earn good profits by cultivating it.

Cultivation of Musli

The plant of Musli, which is full of medicinal properties, is beneficial for our health. More than that, it works to increase our income. Farmers can earn good profits by cultivating it. It is used in the manufacture of Ayurvedic medicines. That is why due to its high demand in the markets, farmers can earn good profits by cultivating it. There are about 50 tubers in a bunch of it. Its crop is ready at an interval of 135 to 150 days. At the same time, it is also sold in the markets at the rate of 1000 to 1500 per kg. The most suitable time for its cultivation is considered to be the month of July. Rain starts in this month which is very beneficial for it.

Cultivation of Asparagus

Asparagus, which is full of medicinal properties, is very beneficial for our health. Farmers can earn good profits by cultivating it. The most suitable time to cultivate it is considered to be the month of July. After sowing it in this month, this crop is ready in 18 months. Which is easily sold in the markets at the rate of 50 to 60 thousand quintals. Farmers can earn good profits by cultivating it.