Vivek Ramaswamy, the presidential candidate from the Republican Party in America, is being discussed a lot these days. His popularity is also increasing day by day. Now Ramaswamy has said that if he wins the presidential elections to be held in 2024, he will work to pardon the accused of the peaceful demonstration that took place in Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021. Let us tell you that earlier he had also talked about pardoning former President Donald Trump. Not only this, he had said that the ongoing cases against Trump are politically motivated.

Vivek Ramaswamy has made a scathing attack on America’s justice system. He said that there is now a two-tier justice system in America. In these, rioters of Antifa and BLM are roaming freely, while people who were protesting peacefully on January 6 were put in jail without bail. The ‘Injustice Department’ of the Biden government has arrested more than 1000 peaceful protesters, which is like a black spot on the basic principles of our justice system.

Ramaswamy further said, ‘To unite this country, as President, I will work to pardon all those American citizens who were targeted because of political federalism. Not only this, they were tortured against the procedure. These include all the peaceful protesters of January 6, 2021. These people were not even allowed to exercise their constitutional rights.

Know what is the controversy of 6 January 2021

Let us discuss here that the US Parliament and its surrounding area is known as Capitol Hill. In the 2020 presidential election in America, Republican leader Donald Trump suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Democrat leader Joe Biden. Trump is accused of alleging rigging in the election results and appealed to his supporters to unite, after which about two thousand people gathered in the Capitol Hill area on January 6, 2021. It is alleged that after Trump’s provocative statement, the mob attacked Capitol Hill, causing chaos there. During this, a large number of protesters broke the barricade and entered the US Parliament. When this incident happened, many big leaders and officials were present in Capitol Hill. However, security personnel swung into action and drove the protesters out of Capitol Hill.

Vivek Ramaswami has also talked about forgiving Trump

If you remember, Vivek Ramaswamy had earlier in one of his statements talked about forgiving Donald Trump also. Ramaswamy had said that if Donald Trump becomes the candidate from the Republican Party, then I will vote for Donald Trump, but if I become the President, I will forgive Trump to keep the country united.

Increase in popularity of Vivek Ramaswamy

Talking about Vivek Ramaswamy, his popularity is continuously increasing. This is the reason why Vivek Ramaswamy has received the highest support of 15 percent from the Republican Party for the post of President after Donald Trump. Now it remains to be seen what happens next.