WhatsApp is rolling out new features for its users. Meta’s proprietary platform has announced another new feature. By now you must have sent audio messages on WhatsApp. In the coming days, you will also be able to send and receive video messages. People will be able to send real-time video messages of up to 60 seconds. WhatsApp has said that this feature also comes with end-to-end encryption, which means that the video message will be limited to only the sender and the receiver. The rollout of the new feature has started. Soon it will reach all users. In a Facebook post, Meta chief Mark Zuckerberg wrote that he is adding the feature of recording and sharing video messages in his WhatsApp chats. It is as easy as a voice message and is sent instantly. In a blog post, WhatsApp has said that through the new feature, users will be able to share birthday wishes, any good news or important information with their loved ones. In 60 seconds, the user will be able to share any important information with his loved ones through video message. This feature is currently being rolled out. However, users can access it manually by downloading the latest version of WhatsApp on Google Play Store or App Store. It is very easy to send video messages on WhatsApp. To switch to video mode, users need to tap and hold the icon to the right of the text field. After this the video can be recorded. The one who receives the video message will hear the sound of the video only when he taps on the message. Recently WhatsApp had announced another feature. Group calls can soon be started with 15 people on WhatsApp. Last year, WhatsApp had announced that 32 participants would be able to participate in a group call, but a group call could be started with only 7 contacts. Rest of the contacts had to be added later. Now this limit is being increased and group calls can be started with 15 people.