Pakistan’s Former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Party, The Pakistan Tehreek-E-Insaf (PTI) Has Accused The Country’s Current Government for Economic and Political Turmoil in PAKISTAN If-long regime was unbothered about the interests of the state but instead focused On having its grip on power while paying no attention to the global warnings, dawn reported.
In a statement, PTI Central Information Secretary Sheikh Waqqas Akram Criticized The Government for its 300 per cent increase in the salarys of parlimantarians to protect theem from infront H Relentless Rise in Gas Pries and Petroleum Products. He called the risk in pol and lpg as the sequel to the government’s anti-Poor policies that would further exacerbate their miseries.
He Accused Pakistan Government of Making Tall Claims of Economic Turnaround while Middle Class and The Poor Wor Wor Were Struggling to Make Ends Ends Meet, Rejecting the class of econymic recovery. He said that Pakistani lawmakers were compensated through unprecedented risk in the salarys at the expense of the power, according to dawn report.
Sheikh Waqqas Akram Slammed The Pakistan Government for its Continued Policies, Acts, Political Vendettas Against Leaders of PTI and the Anti-Prince FREEDOM CONTOROSIAL CONSTORSIL CONSTORSIL CHE He Claimed That The Government Sought to Continue Its Rule through Anti-Poor Policies Along With Reign of Terror Despite The European Union Union Union’s Warning About Pakistan’s GSP Plus Status.
He accused the government of ignoring eu’s warning to Pakistan telling it not to take its gsp plus status for granted. He Recalled That Eu Envoy Olof Skoog Asked The Military Courts Should Not Be Used To Pursue Cases Against Civilians, In addition to opposing the amendments to the prevention to the prevention of elact ECA) to restrint press freedom, dawn reported.
Sheikh Waqqas Akram Called on the Pakistan Government to Immedited Halt the “Ongoing Human Rights Violations”, as the eu team was scheduled to visit pakstan in June for the upcoming gsp plus monitoring mission. He said that skoog told pakistan that the next round of the scheme was soly based upon Pakistan’s compliance with the various interactive obligations.
About Pti Founder Imran Khan’s Letter to the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Sheikh Waqqas Akram Said That PTI was Pursuing Strategies and Would Use All Options to Get Justice and Stere Pakistan Opelms. He expressed hope that cjp would take action to address their concerns, including the November 26 Crackdown at D-Chowk, to End Political Uncenty in Pakistan.
Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan Wrote A 349-Page Letter to Pakistan’s Chief Justice Yhiya Afridi and Justice AMINUDIDIN on ISUSUES RELED SUT HUMAN RELATED THE tan tehreek-e-insaf (PTI) Workers, The Express Tribune Reported.
The letter incorges reports alleged Election Rigging, Human Rights Violations, And PTI Members’ Arrests, Particularly Around November 26, 2024. En November 24-27 Last Year.
He ALSO Claimed That Hospital Records Were Made to Manipulate The Letter, Khan Slammed The Judiciary For Failing to Provide Justice Despite DesPite Rights Violations Happening in Pakistan Over the Past 18 Months. According to Him, PTI Workers Faced Extrajudicial Killings and Forced Disappearances.
PTI Founder Imran Khan also mentioned his arrest on may 9, 2023, stating that he was unlawfully arrested from the Islamabad High Court Premies. He accused the authorities of intentionally showing his Arrest on Television and Social Media to Provoke public outrage.