A robbery worth Rs 7 crore has taken place in Axis Bank of Raigarh city in Chhattisgarh. The miscreants have injured the bank manager by stabbing him, who has been admitted to the hospital. The incident took place at Axis Bank located on Jagatpur-Dhimrapur Road. 6 to 8 miscreants had come to the bank posing as customers and then committed the robbery and fled away. Police is on high alert after this incident. The accused are being searched by blocking the main roads coming and going from the city. The police have claimed to arrest the accused soon. The bank employees are being interrogated.

Raigarh SSP Sadanand Kumar said that the robbers had reached the bank in numbers of 6 to 8. Earlier, some miscreants came to the bank on bike and did recce. After this some accused came by car. The footage of the accused has been captured in the CCTV installed outside the bank. Some people in the bank were locked in the room first. After that the miscreants attacked the manager with a knife 5 times. The bank manager has been admitted to the hospital. The SSP said that the customers and employees present inside the bank during the incident are also being interrogated. Due to Teeja-Pola festival, there was less crowd in the bank. The security guard of the bank was not on duty at the time of the incident, of which the dacoits took full advantage. Police officers are talking about arresting the accused soon.

Employees were stopped by showing country made pistols

According to the information received, the dacoits have fled after looting around Rs 7.5 crores. As soon as the information was received, the police station and senior officers reached the bank. Blockade has been imposed everywhere in the district. Intensive checking of visitors is being done. It is also discussed that the dacoits had come on a bike and had a country-made pistol. The age of the accused is said to be between 25 to 35 years. As soon as they entered the bank, the miscreants showed their guns and locked some people in the room. From the pattern of the robbery, it is being estimated that the dacoits committed the incident after recce.

The miscreants’ actions were captured in CCTV

After robbing the bank, information has come to light that the dacoits fled towards Dhimrapur on bike and car. DIG Ram Gopal Garg, SSP Sadanad Kumar, ASP Sanjay Mahadeva, SDOP Cyber ​​Branch Deepak Mishra, TI Shanip Ratre along with Kotra Road Jutmill TI and a team of forensic experts and police are investigating the case.

The dacoits have carried out the crime with great ease. This has come to light in CCTV. A young man dressed in black is also seen carrying a bag on the bike. After that he again goes to the bank and comes back with two more bags along with another companion. After this, both the youth sit on the bike and comfortably go towards Dhimrapur.

Report: Sandeep Dewan