New Delhi: Amidst the hustle and bustle linked to Lok Sabha Polls, a post is getting viral on social media platforms, stating that the Election Commission of India (ECI) will deduct Rs 350 from the bank accounts of those who will not cast a vote in coming general election. The viral message claims that if the person doesn’t have money in the bank account, then the money would be deducted from the mobile recharge. 

Now, the Election Commission has clarified that the viral post of fake and there is no such plan. The ECI took a microblogging site X and asserted that this claim is false. “Fake Claim – If you don’t vote, 350 rupees will be deducted from your bank account: Election Commission. Reality: This claim is false. The Election Commission has not made any such decision,” ECI wrote on the official handle.

नहीं दिया वोट तो बैंक अकाउंट से कटेंगे 350 रुपएः आयोग

 यह दावा फर्जी है, चुनाव आयोग द्वारा ऐसा कोई निर्णय नहीं लिया गया है।#FakeNews #ECI #VerifyBeforeYouAmplify
 Election Commission of India (@ECISVEEP) April 2, 2024

Earlier, the ECI notified many rules and regulations for the contesting parties and the voters, specifically for first-time voters. The commission always notifies the information through their official social media handle or on the website. 

The Lok Sabha election is scheduled to be held in seven phases for 543 Lok Sabha seats, to start on April 19, the second phase to cast the vote on April 26, the third phase on May 7, the fourth on May 13, the Fifth on May 30, the sixth phase on May 25 and the last phase of Lok Sabha 2024 election voting will be held on June 1. The ECI has announced to declare the result of the general election on June 4, 2024.