Supreme Court granted bail to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday in a corruption case registered by CBI in the alleged excise policy scam. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Gaurav Bhatia demanded the resignation of Kejriwal from the CM post and said, “‘jail wala’ CM is now a ‘bail wala’ CM”.

While addressing a press conference, Bhatia stated that Kejriwal got conditional bail. He said, “The Supreme Court has shown a mirror to ‘kattar beimaan’ AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwal once again… He has got conditional bail…” 

“The ‘jail wala’ CM is now a ‘bail wala’ CM… The most important is that Arvind Kejriwal CM should resign as per the voice of the people of Delhi… But he will not do that because he does not have even a drop of morality…He used to say that a politician should resign even if there is an allegation,” Bhatia said. 

He further added that Delhi CM is now out on bail but he was in jail for 6 months and not resigning. 


#WATCH | Delhi: On Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal’s bail, BJP leader Gaurav Bhatia says, “The Supreme Court has shown a mirror to ‘kattar beimaan’ AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwal once again… He has got conditional bail… The ‘jail wala’ CM is now a ‘bail wala’ CM… The most important…
— ANI (@ANI) September 13, 2024


Kejriwal’s wife Sunita Kejriwal congratulated Aadm Aadmi Party members shortly after the top court order. She shared a post on the microblogging site  X, “Congratulations to AAP family! Kudos for staying strong…” 

— Sunita Kejriwal (@KejriwalSunita) September 13, 2024