Raipur. State Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai will return to the capital Raipur along with all the ministers, MLAs and MPs to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. All the leaders will return by different flights. Deputy Chief Minister Arun Sao will return to Raipur from Delhi at 8.30 pm.

MIC meeting today

The meeting of Mayor in Council (MIC) of Raipur Municipal Corporation will be held today i.e. on 10th June. The meeting will be held in the meeting hall on the third floor of the corporation headquarters Mahatma Gandhi Sadan at 12 noon under the chairmanship of Mayor Ejaz Dhebar. Many issues will be discussed and approved in the meeting. In which purchase of e-bus and smart water meter, fixing the rate of drinking water along with dealing with the upcoming monsoon and water logging will be discussed. Additional Commissioner and Secretary of the Corporation Vinod Pandey has given this information.

Big meeting of Education Department today

After the end of the code of conduct, the school education department has become active. The education secretary will hold a meeting of all joint directors, district education officers, DIET principals, BEO and BRC today i.e. on June 10 regarding the preparations for the new education session starting from June 18 as well as other schemes and issues. The meeting will be held through video conferencing.

Hearing on liquor and Mahadev Satta App case will be held today

Hearing will be held today on the liquor and Mahadev Satta App scam. Hearing will be held in Raipur Special Court for questioning 4 accused including Anwar Dhebar. ED has filed an application in the Special Court for questioning the accused.

Job fair organized in the capital today

District Employment and Self-Employment Guidance Center Raipur is organizing a job fair to provide employment opportunities to local educated unemployed youth. This fair will be organized on June 10 at Employment Office, Old Police Headquarters Complex, Raipur from 11 am to 2 pm. Through this, Shri Maa Asha Organic Farming Foundation and Elxor Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. of the private sector will recruit more than 75 posts of waiter, telecaller, helper, technician, solar technician and DMS/sales executive. The qualification has been kept from eighth to graduation. Minimum salary of Rs 10 thousand to 14,500 will be given. Applicants can appear on the scheduled date and place with biodata/Aadhar card and photocopies of educational certificates.